This is a slight variation on (and extended remix of) the male half of some advice I got at about age eight:
"All wives are lovely; all husbands are charming."
"But....!", I began to protest.
"Shhh - no matter what!"
"Oh", I said.
The truth is, if Kevin is any taller than me (not hard for most men as I am 63 inches tall), has either most of his hair or none at all, has friendly peepers and a warm smile, I will almost certainly genuinely think he is handsome. The question arises in the first place from the comments under this blog post.
Anyway, in clicking around, I found his online portfolio Optic Chaos. He is a car guy! Here are my favorite images from that:
MMMmmmMenMenMen (this top one is my very fave, the rest are in no particular order):

I wonder what kind of plant this is?:

Q has a keen sense for architecture, this shot had the coolest color:

Très Moderne:

So SoCal:

Cutest girl in the world:

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